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Mangues Inde : Une forte demande malgré des prix plus élevés

TVFinance | 28 avril, 2023 08:20

The mango season in India has developed positively in April, says Yashwant Chakve Patil, director of Indian fruit exporter AA Reyach International: “Over the past month, the demand for our product has been huge. It's great, as we also have a huge production capacity when it comes to the mangoes. Demand is strong in both the domestic as well as the international markets. For the last three months, around 350 people have been working around the clock to fulfil all the demand. So the pressure has been on this season, ever since day one.”... <a href="" target="_blank">Lire la suite</a><br><br> *** Découvrez l’ensemble des services de La lettre de l’Acheteur©, la revue de presse internationale qui traite chaque jour des articles les plus importants sur les matières premières utilisées dans l’industrie agroalimentaire sur <a href="" target="_blank"></a> *** <br><br> Toute l’actualité et analyses des matières premières sur c’est <a href="" target="_self">ici</a>