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Tomates : Estimation du marché mondial

TVFinance | 12 avril, 2021 07:23

In the Netherlands and Belgium, the unlighted tomato production is underway. Around Easter, prices were still at a high level, but increasing volumes may start to put pressure on the market. Italy also had a good week. There has been a great demand for tomatoes, especially from Germany. The Spanish season is coming to a close within 6 weeks and, in general, prices have been on the low side.... <a href="" target="_blank">Lire la suite</a><br><br> *** Découvrez l’ensemble des services de La lettre de l’Acheteur©, la revue de presse internationale qui traite chaque jour des articles les plus importants sur les matières premières utilisées dans l’industrie agroalimentaire sur <a href="" target="_blank"></a> *** <br><br> Toute l’actualité et analyses des matières premières sur c’est <a href="" target="_self">ici</a>